We see 2 underlying problems and aim to address them simultaneously.
Firstly, unemployment. Post Covid-19, unemployment is at its highest and set to reach unprecedented figures in the coming years. Singapore itself has seen more than eight thousand entities wind up their businesses.
Across the globe, surveys indicate lower income, savings, and overall spending. In most countries, 20 to 60 percent of people say that they fear for their own jobs and have less than 4 months of savings. Automation and A.I. will further impact employment.
Secondly, we want to radically improve how traditional service rendering businesses function. Primitive modus operandi, simply does not work in this current era.
Consumers want immediate, reliable, verified and rated services at a click of a button. Current processes of having to manually search for service vendors online, receive a quotation stipulated by companies before being able to engage them, should evolve.